Library Rap

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing 12-I don't Digg it.

I find tools such as Digg, Reddit and Newsvine to be productivity detractors. While I know that some like to see what others are doing/reading online, I really don't like to follow the crowd. I don't crave news oddities. I don't want to see every headline everywhere. If I want headline news I go to one of the major networks and see what they have to say. Most of it is just too darned depressing anyway.

I did enjoy Stumbleupon. I like that as I stumble, my stumbles become more personalized to what I have been looking at. Once again, however, to me it is a productivity detractor.

I have read an article that I found through Digg, and while it was interesting, it was not life changing and I could have done without it.

Perhaps if I was in a reference position and saw requests based on what people are reading online I would see this as a more practical application. In my position, that just isn't the case.

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